Diálogos Coletivos

An investigation into the art colectives shaping Brazil

In 2011, the production company Colmeia embarked on a lengthy endeavor: to unravel what makes three of Brazil’s largest cultural collectives so special. In three mini-documentaries, the series uncovers the history of Fora do Eixo, O Esquema and Soma. Each film points out the new paths of Brazilian social development through events, the press, and the free distribution of information and knowledge.


Year: 2011
Production Company: Colmeia
Director: Matheus Siqueira
Executive Producers: André Passamani / Eduardo Camargo / JMM Kazi
Producer: Beatriz Sano

Researcher: Marcio Black
Camera: Felipe Abreu / Paula Toraiwa
Direct Sound & Sound Design: Elga Bottini
Art Direction: Telias / Danilo Silveira / Paulo Ricardo
Motion: Paulo Ricardo / Danilo Silveira